
  • ICP-MS 8900
    the Agilent 8900 ICP-QQQ adds MS/MS mode for controlled and consistent interference removal in reaction mode, making it the world’s mostpowerful and flexible multi-element analyzer. Agilent’s unique triple quadrupole ICP-MS uses MS/MS, enabling hundreds of labs around the world to do more than ever before. The Agilent 8900 also introduces new analytical capabilities not previously possible using ICP-MS. Low level determination of previously difficult elements, separation of direct isobaric overlaps, and fast, trace analysis of emerging nano-scale materials extend the application of ICP-MS into new fields of analysis. 
  • TRACE 1300 GC
    Enable Quick Customization with GC Modularity. Simple and Flexible Configurations for Evolving Laboratory Needs. Ensure Uninterrupted Analyses while Saving Money. Autosampling and Autoinjection Solutions, more effient.